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Through binderless coal briquetting technology (BCB),  sub-bituminous coals are upgraded through a process, that encompasses thermal drying process, physical and chemical stabilisation and  novel binderless briquetting process. This technology is cost effective and operationally superior. This process of upgrading coal can be practiced by coal fired power stations and other industries in order to burn a cleaner and more efficient fuel.

1) BCB coal upgrading process
2) Raw coal preparation
3) Hot gas generation for raw coal drying
4) Drying of raw coal
5) Dry coal briquetting
6) Storage and transport of Briquette

Generally, binders are used to briquette coal, but the binderless briquettes are held together by the natural bonding mechanisms of coal. The coal upgraded through this process can be used in place of any other high ranking coal; without the need of technical or engineering alterations at the power stations to allow for coal combustion.

Contact Details
13, Galaxy Industrial Estate, Survey No. 275, Nr. Grevity Casting, Shapar (Veraval),Rajkot - 360024, Gujarat, India
Phone :08062025002
Mr. Sanjay Sakhiya (Managing Director)
Mobile :08062025002
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